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How To Setup Braintree Checkout

We’ve recently added Braintree as a new gateway option to NextGEN Pro. This article will show you how to set up Braintree as your payment gateway. If you have not already done so, create a new Braintree Sandbox account on — please note that the Braintree Sandbox account is not linked to your production account in any way.

You can locate your Braintree settings under Ecommerce > Ecommerce Options > Payment Gateway

Screenshot of the sidebar menu. Ecomemrce options


If you want to use Braintree, you should click “Yes” in the option “Enable Braintree”. There are six different settings:

  1. Use Sandbox: Whether to use a Braintree Sandbox account or not.
  2. Merchant ID: An identifier to Braintree linked to your account.
  3. Public key: A public cryptographic key used to securely identify your site with Braintree’s servers.
  4. Private key: A secret cryptographic key used to securely identify your site with Braintree’s servers.
  5. Enable PayPal payments: By default only card payments are processed. This option requires additional configuration be done in your Braintree account’s Processing Options.
  6. Send browser data to Braintree: This option is required to enable Braintree’s premium fraud detection features.

To access (or create) the above settings, begin by logging in to your Braintree account.

  1. From the Home page, click the gear icon in the top right corner, then click “API”
  2. On this page you can find your “Merchant ID” setting.
  3. Click “Generate New API Key” to generate a new key for NextGEN Pro to use on your website.
  4. The public key will be automatically displayed.
  5. Click the “View” link in the “Private Key” column to obtain the private key.

Once these settings are entered into NextGEN’s Ecommerce > Ecommerce Options > Payment Gateway page, you may begin testing placing orders through Braintree.

To move a Braintree account into production use, please consult their documentation on how to “Go Live.”

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