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How to install your NextGEN license

NextGEN Pro,  NextGEN Plus, and NextGEN Starter are premium NextGEN license plugins for NextGEN Gallery.
NextGEN Gallery is required to run NextGEN Plus, Pro, or Starter.

What is the difference between NextGEN Gallery Pro and Plus?

NextGEN Plus has all the same gallery features as NextGEN Pro minus eCommerce. Some users want all the beautiful premium gallery displays but do not require eCommerce. This is why we provide the NextGEN Plus option.


Installing your NextGEN license for the first time

Check if you have NextGEN Gallery installed and active. In your WordPress dashboard, you can check this under Plugins > Installed plugins. Then be sure to check the NextGEN Gallery’s changelog to ensure you have the latest version.

Next, just download NextGEN Gallery Pro, Plus, or Starter from the plugin downloads section of your account.

Then, go to your WordPress dashboard > Plugins > Add New Plugin > Upload Plugin, browse and select your .zip file for NextGEN Pro/Plus/Starter, and click Install Now.

Once WordPress is finished installing, click Activate Plugin.

 You’re done! Now you’re ready to start creating gorgeous galleries or selling your images using NextGEN Gallery.

Create your galleries

Learn how to create galleries, manage galleries, and modify settings here: NextGEN Gallery documentation.

To learn how to make use of Pro/Plus features, follow the instructions for Pro Galleries, Pro Albums, and Pro Lightbox here:

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