
NextGEN allows you to display a single image. Singlepic images will also pop up using whichever lightbox effect you’ve selected in the main settings area. Shortcodes allow you to customize various aspects of the image display. You can resize and modify the picture on the fly (with no manipulation or changes to the original picture).

Shortcode format:

[ngg_images image_ids="X" display_type="photocrati-nextgen_basic_singlepic" w="X" h="X"] 

Shortcut Example: 

[ngg_images image_ids="X" display_type="photocrati-nextgen_basic_singlepic" w="X" h="X"]

Watermark sample :

[ngg_images image_ids="X" display_type="photocrati-nextgen_basic_singlepic" w="X" h="X" mode="watermark"]

If you would like to add e-commerce to your Singlepic images, you can add the following to the shortcode:


You can also add triggers using any the following:


For Example:

[ngg_images image_ids="361" display_type="photocrati-nextgen_basic_singlepic" w="510" h="340" mode="watermark" is_ecommerce_enabled="1" ngg_triggers_display="always"]

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