It’s funny how things work out. I was messaging back and forth with a friend at Phlearn and it turns out they are using NextGEN Gallery on their website. What is Phlearn?
Well, Phlearn is a photography education website. They’re goal is to make photography education phun. See what they did there?
I have been a fan of Phlearn’s content for some time now, but had the pleasure of meeting some of the staff at the 2014 PhotoPlus Expo, so the world continues to get smaller as I learn that they’re already using NextGEN Gallery.
Below you will see how they are using the plugin, but from what I gather they plan on making some custom add-ons to it for more features specific to their website. So I’m excited to see that too.
For now they are using NextGEN Gallery for the photo contest galleries in addition to some interview galleries.
That is just one example of Phlearn using NextGEN Gallery on their website. We highly recommend checking out the Phlearn website not just to see their use of the plugin, but more so for their education photography articles, interviews and videos.