The Story of the Tapatios

Visitors to Mexico invariably flock to its capital Mexico City, often forsaking all others. They come to this mega-polis of some 22 million souls to savor Mexico fully. Truly, there is much to see, experience, and taste and to marvel at. Even the birth of this city is really fascinating.

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Caverns of Rare Device!

For millions of years, shells of sea creatures collect on the floor of primitive oceans and eventually compact into rock-like limestone. Magnesium converts some of the limestones to slate-colored dolomite. Eons pass and somewhere, violent seismic activity pushes up the ocean floor. If the push is somewhat gentle, only the hills rise above the sea forming dramatic landscapes seen in countries like China, Vietnam, and New Zealand. A famous example is the Ha Long Bay in Vietnam.

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The Strait of Bosporus

The Bosporus Strait is 19 miles long and more than a mile wide. So, a boat ride on it is a great way to view the structural opulence of the East and the splendor of the West that line the Asian and the European shores of this wonderful continent-spanning city.

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The Song of Chapalac

Some 12 million years ago when the world was much younger, a massive seismic event left a huge depression in what is now Mexico. Almost 3000 square miles in size,…

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Montgolfier in Cappadocia

Had the Montgolfier brothers lived longer by some two hundred years, they would have seen the new Avatar of their invention, the hot air balloon. Perhaps, they might not have…

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Dragon Descending

A Tale of Dragons In the days of yore when the Jade Emperor ruled the heavens, Vietnam was struggling to form a nation and survive amongst powerful, hostile neighbors. The…

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