5 Ways to Increase Your Bookings

There’s nothing more infuriating than an empty calendar. With the past few months offering unexpected closures and obstacles, we could all use a boost in our bookings. Here are 5 ways to increase your bookings and revenue without lowering prices or increasing marketing spend.

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Your Quick Guide to E-Commerce Photography

If you want to start a photography business, choosing an area of specialty can be beneficial. Unfortunately, the type of work you’re most passionate about may not be the most lucrative. If you want to be financially successful as a photographer, it’s helpful to focus on growing industries.

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Introducing the NextGEN Pro Pricing Comparison tool

See how much you can save by switching from your current photo eCommerce solution to NextGEN Pro by using the comparison tool here. Today we wanted to share with you a new tool that we put together to show you just how much money you could actually save each year by switching from your current photo eCommerce solution to NextGEN Pro.

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