The WordPress Photography Podcast
The WordPress Photography Podcast
Episode 102 - High Converting Headshot Photography Websites


When photographers only focus on one type of photography services it is much easier to create a website that is finely tuned for lead generation and customer conversions.

In this episode, we will discuss recommendations for how headshots photographers can do some sharpening up.

Joke of the day:

The Earth without art is just Eh. 

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Very informative podcast! I LOVE this podcast. It’s very informative and provides actionable insights. Highly recommend!

Indianapolis Portrait Photographer


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The earth without art is just, eh. Hi, my name is Scott Wyden Kivowitz. You're listening to the WordPress photography podcast. This is episode one zero two my name is Scott Wyden Kivowitz. I'm your host and the chief community officer here at Imagely. Today I want to share with you what I would suggest for somebody who is exclusively exclusively a headshot photographer, meaning somebody who is not any other genre of photography. I mean, maybe you do full lifestyle brand photos or maybe not. Maybe you do full portrait, but typically your aim is headshots, right? You offer headshots to business people, to actors, to musicians, to speakers, and so on. Well, your website should be finally focused. It should be very, very specific and its goal should be to convert people to hire you for head shots. That should be it goal. Sure. You might have some, a blog where you share some content that is educational and also entertaining to your audience, to the people who might want to hire you.

But the design aspect of your website should be very simple and very straight forward so that there's a fine needle, sharp pinpoint focus, pun intended, in order to get people to see your work and easily hire you. So my suggestion is this first in the header, keep it very simple. Of course your logos at the top. And then in the menu are there three or four items? The menu would have pricing contact and then a book now button. If you're going to have a blog, of course you might want to put a blog up there, but you don't have to, you could put the blog in like let's say a footer menu if you wanted to, but ideally you have at least two menu items and the book now button or three menu items in the book now button, but no more. And then below that you have a beautiful gallery of, of photos and a call to action, a box of some sort.

That's okay. Talks a little bit about you, not too much, just the right amount and a button so people can see your pricing and a button so people can get a quote for a group, you know, group headshots. If you're, let's say going to go to a business and photograph all of the C level employees, then a group quote would be necessary or you're going to a startup and you need to photograph all the employees. A group quote might be necessary. Now maybe below the grid of portraits you might have a little bit of bout you. So you might have a video trailer about yourself, about your photography services a little bit. You ask them, you know, keywords in there for STO, stuff like that. And again, that book now button will be there as well. And then maybe below that you might have some testimonials from clients.

Of course you can make an entire testimonial page. I would not put that in the header menu, but that might be something else you put in a footer menu. But you want testimonials from clients of course. And if you don't have any yet, do some headshots for free in exchange for some good testimonials to get started. If this is your new business, if you're preexisting to sass existing clients for testimonials and then the bottom of course you will have a footer menu and this is good for mobile really more than anything else, but the footer menu might have more things in it like the blog, it might have your testimonials, maybe some other things, maybe some social icon for people to know where to find you on social media. But if we move on to the pricing page, you're going to keep it simple. Again, a very short gallery of images, not too many, right?

Not too little, but not too many, and you're going to have basically two boxes. One box is going to have your pricing and the other box is going to have the booking solution. Now this booking solution won't just be a click here to book. It's going to be the booking solution embedded on that page. So you can either use a WordPress plugin like Amelia, which I'll link to in the show notes, or you can use a Calendly or, or you could use square any software as a service based booking system and embed that onto your website. And of course you can embed that in WordPress in Wix and Weebly and Squarespace or whatever you're doing. You could embed that in on your site, but it is important that your pricing page is just that. It is very straight forward pricing. If you want a good system for pricing and structuring the business around headshots, I I recommend checking out the TNT method.

I will link to that in the show notes and I hope to have Tony who created this method on the show in the future and I can connect it to this episode, which is, which will be really good. So I, that's what I recommend I, we'll link to that method, that course in the show notes. Now on the contact page, it's going to be very straight forward. Again, similar layout to your pricing page, except it's going to be on the left. You'll have sort of your address and phone number and email address. On the right, you'll have the the contact form, right? And then the booking the book. Now page, we'll actually actually go back to your pricing page because that's where you want people to go. But let's say somebody wants a group quote, you're going to have another page, and that could be again, a similar similar layout to your contact page, except it's to get a quote for group headshots.

And the reason why this is important to have a separate page is that you can track who is contacting you just to contact you for whatever reason. And then who is contacting you for a quote specifically. Now, if you're doing a blog, of course you want to make, you're educating your clients, you want to make sure that you're teaching them about preparing for a headshot and what to expect in their head, such shots session and things like that. But you can drip in there some entertaining content, some stories from past clients or things like that. There's no reason why you can't do that. Last but not least, if you're doing testimonials, how you lay that out is completely up to you. There's no set method, but I do recommend keep me a clean. Even if you have two or three columns and you're, you're embedding your Facebook's testimonials or you're, you're, you're just copying and pasting and using a quote blocks that are in the WordPress block editor or you're creating graphics forward, whatever it is, you need to keep that clean because the more testimonials you have, which is good, by the way, the more cluttered it can get.

In fact, one way to break that up is if you have video testimonials, that would be even better because then you could do some text or image testimonials and break it up with some video content. And video content is really good for your brand. It's, it's so engaging for people to view your, your, your, your testimonials from clients in video form. Seeing people, hearing people actually talk about you as a business is really a great conversion boost platform. Oh, a quick shout out to Ryan back Herms from back Herms Ryan is an Indianapolis portrait photographer and he left a really kind of review for us on Apple podcast. He said, I love this podcast. It's very informative and provides actionable insights. Highly recommend. Thank you Ryan. We really appreciate it. If you would like a shoutout on the podcast just like Ryan, then I have an opportunity for you.

You see, I want to see more reviews for this show. So here is my offer. Leave a review on the podcast platform that you subscribe through. If that podcast platform offers the ability to leave a review. If not, just go to Apple podcasts and leave a review. Leave a wonderful five star review for the show. Then go to and complete the form there and what I would do is I will do a shout out for you on one of the future episodes and include a link to your site as a thank you in the show notes, which of course is good for SEO because now you've got a nice backlink to your site from all listeners are welcome to take me up on this offer. So that is what I recommend for a headshot website because it's simple and it's straightforward and it will get you bookings and Imagely.

We had been working hard on getting the Imagely sites platform, our hosting platform, relaunched and I'm hoping that I can actually get this template I've been working on for headshot photographers as a preset website design in Imagely sites. So stay tuned. I will hopefully have that for you at some point. But in the meantime, if you have any questions about headshot photography websites, the headshot photography business, if you want to check out the links that I mentioned in this episode, check out the show notes at [inaudible] dot com slash podcast slash one zero two thanks for listening. See you in the next episode.

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