A Simple Upsell Tip For Wedding Photographers

A Simple Upsell Tip For Wedding PhotographersThe upsell tip you are going to learn about in this article is one that I have personally taught many wedding photographers about.

But today we are happy to share the tip with you. Because it’s one we feel every wedding photographer should consider in their sales processes.

Most couples getting married these days want websites. They want places for their guests to add comments, view photos, see wedding details, and so on.

So why let your clients do the websites themselves. Or why let them use free wedding website systems which are outdated and simply not pleasing to the eye.

Upsell Tip for Wedding Photographers

Here is what we recommend for all wedding photographers.

While chatting with your potential couples about their big day, ask if they have considered a wedding website. Ask what platforms they have looked at. Ask if they started the process.

If they have not moved forward with one, let them know that you can host one for them.

Thanks to WordPress, and the wide range of hosting companies out there, it’s so easy for you to create websites for your wedding clients. And with a little education, site creation is something you could have an assistant do – or it can be outsourced completely.  Here is what you would do for your couples.

  • You create a new WordPress instance
  • You install a free wedding theme, like Wedding Bride (or an maybe one of ours)
  • You would add engagement photos (which you hopefully photographed too)
  • You would include all the wedding details
  • You would include a gallery of photographs of the couple during their time dating
  • After the wedding you would add a gallery of their favorite photographs from their big day.

The website should be kept simple but engaging. It should be a place where the couple, their family, and guests to enjoy viewing. The website should not be overly complex because remember that you will be maintaining it.

And although we love our own photography themes – they’re just that.  For photography businesses. A website for a wedding doesn’t have to be as complex as a photography website. That’s why we recommend using a theme like Wedding Bride.

But if you really want to use one of our own themes, we would love to see that happen too.

Gifting the Upsell

If your client is holding out on the website pitch you made, then consider a different approach.

Sometimes it’s best to give away a product to make a client happy. And many times doing that makes the referral conversion percentage increase dramatically.

So if you’re in a situation where the client isn’t biting, consider offering the wedding website for free, as a courtesy. But let them know that the website will be online for 3 months following the wedding (or whatever time limit you want to offer). That way you’re not paying for hosting it for too long. And the domain (which would cost around $10) won’t have to be renewed for the first or second time.

Have you done it?

Have you done this with your wedding clients yet? Comment and let us know what struggles you faced and how you worked through it.

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