WordPress to buffer pro

Photographers look for ways to get more time back in their days. In this article, we’re going to talk about a WordPress plugin and a service that when combined will give you more time.

The service is called Buffer, and it’s purpose to schedule your social media content. Buffer offers a queue which you can manually fill in with posts. Each social channel has its own queue.

  • Facebook Profile
  • Facebook Page
  • Facebook Group
  • Twitter 
  • Google Plus Profile
  • Google Plus Page
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest (with board support)

Buffer also has a chrome extension available and desktop apps, for quick adding to queues. Also, Buffer offers mobile apps for management on the go.

But when it comes to your website, there is also a way to schedule new blog posts to publish on social media, through Buffer. The plugin is called WordPress to Buffer, and it’s free.

It’s fairly simple to setup, and while the plugin is free, it’s also limited compared to the paid version. By purchasing the paid WordPress to Buffer Pro, you unlock the full potential of social media automation for your website. Think of the plugin as an investment, just as you do with NextGEN Pro.  It’s a tool to make your job as a photographer easier, which can also help make your business more revenue.

How to do Social Media Automation with Blog Post Publishing

With WordPress to Buffer Pro, you can set a default schedule of instant posting and schedule posting via the Buffer queues.  You can also override the default per social channel.

WordPress to buffer pro

As an example of what you can do with WordPress to Buffer Pro and Buffer. On my photography website, I have blog content scheduled almost two months out from the time of publishing. That means that Buffer is strategically sharing my blog content on my social channels, including Instagram, with little to no effort on my part.

We hope that you consider this as you look for more ways to save on your valuable time.

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