
Social Gallery Lite is a Free version of Social Gallery Plugin, it’s just been launched and is available now on If you want to try out the social lightbox with NextGEN Gallery you can do so with Social Gallery Lite.

Out-of-the-box Social Gallery Lite has no support for NextGEN, but it is possible to get the two working well together with a little tweaking and today I’ll share the secret with you! Social Gallery works well with NextGEN Gallery as you can see on the Social Gallery example page and I personally love using NextGEN Gallery so it’s great to be able to post this quick guide, I hope you find this useful.


Here’s how to set up Social Gallery Lite to work with NextGEN Gallery:

Method A (assumes you are newly installing Social Gallery Lite)

1) Disable your existing lightbox in NextGEN (you can use this video)

2) After installing the plugin as you would any other WordPress plugin, proceed to click “Social Gallery” from the left hand menu in WordPress and enter your name and email address (if they are not already filled out.) Then click Next Step.


3) On the next Wizard screen select “Specific CSS Selector” from the drop down list and then enter the following into “Custom CSS Selector”:

.ngg-gallery-thumbnail a:has(img)


Method B (assumes you have already installed Social Gallery Lite)

1) Disable your existing lightbox in NextGEN (you can use this video)

2) Click “Social Gallery” from the left hand menu in your WordPress dashboard and then click “Settings” underneath it.

3) From the very first option on the settings menu select “Specific CSS Selector” and then enter the following into “Custom CSS Selector”:

.ngg-gallery-thumbnail a:has(img)


There you have it! This configuration will work with 99% of Social Gallery Lite & NextGEN Gallery setup’s and lets you fully test out Social Gallery before you purchase, for free! In fact Social Gallery Lite doesn’t have a trial timer or similar – you can use it indefinitely if you wish. You can compare the Lite and Full versions on the Social Gallery website and if you do go for the full version please do read full and detailed instructions to get going.

Download Social Gallery Lite
Download Social Gallery Pro

Woody Hayday is the creator of Social Gallery, a social lightbox plugin for WordPress which has NextGEN integration. He runs StormGate – a UK web development company which specialises in start-up prototyping and internal projects like Social Gallery. You can follow him on Twitter @woodyhayday

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